We have a saying that 'Man Proposes and GOD disposes' It will hold good for me in my life all time .
I wanted many things in my life cried had bitter times in life but ultimately moved on with what i had at that particular point of time . I feel that was immeturity that makes any one think that there is nothing in life for us with out that .
We all fall in love at one point or the other but we are all not successful in all the ways . Some people are lucky I can call them since they get what they want or probably that is what meant for them .
I felt 2 years back that there was no life but still I was not in the verge to any such decisions of ending life and all bit it was terrible time for me to even relaise the same . I did not learn lesion out of that i moved on to a great place called hyderabad where i did my PG .
This place is very good and I specially love this place . I joined a second JOB in HYD and founda very nice friend and started feeling that he is everything for me . Where I did not understand that it should be same from that side also , bad luck but i still love him for what he is . I know that I might not be able to succeed this time again but life will move on and Iam dam sure that I will get what GOD had kept for me ...
With the positive note lets move on ......