I am here in Bangalore when I landed here first thing I felt was the cold breeze and one of my friend telling me see Bangalore how nice weather it is .. Second thing he showed me is a girl going on a bike with a guy almost as if she needs him to be very near so that she donot need to breath even . If she does not hold him then he might run away kinds. Imagine to this my friend tells me Bangalore is very fast and nice place to hang around. My foot, just by holding some one so tight we are not going to have them as good partners.

Another horrible experience I have ever had with any auto- rickshaw fellow. I had to go to Tirupathi from Bangalore on the same week end.While I was returning back some how with great difficulty of few buses that night from Tirupathi to Bangalore. I found one seat in one KSRTC bus which is pushback for name sake (I mean the bus seat). I reached Bangalore around 5:30AM in the morning . I opened by eyes to see dazzling flood light in the bus stop , which happened to be the last stop. Got down from the bus after collecting change from lady conductor . First meeting with an auto driver who came on his own as soon as I got down . He demanded double the charge of meter(suppose if meter is 200 I should shell out 400/-, Hmm My father is one Anil Ambani to pay so much). I denied and looked here and there for some help .
Imagine the fate I donot understand Kannada ,speaking is far to imagination. Second person came to me asking one and half of meter(this seemed okay to my savings mind). I said ok fine better than the first one. He took me a Bangalore tour, where I was half asleep and controlling to just see if he is taking me to the right place ot not. I had no clue where is Softzone, outer ring road. I was careful enough as I had called one friend back in Bangalore the day before reaching Bangalore. I only knew that it is outskirts of Bangalore. The moment I saw Shoba apartments I had a light in my face. I some how could reach to the apartments SHOBA JASMINE , this is the place where my service apartment is….! I got down saw the meter 200 bugs I took out 300/- and gave the auto person. There my miserable time started. He abused me to the core. The security fellow could not help me. He came in side the apartments asking for more money. I took out finally 50/- bugs and gave him adding a line that I donot have anymore.
He tells me people who come from village to this place do not understand the importance of auto’s. More over when you can not afford this why at all you had to hire it. I was silent as I did not wanted to break my head.My friend gave me a caution that auto’s here are terrible. I only could understand what he meant that day after experiencing this.
This was one horrible experience I had ever had in my life time……
GOD save this country and the people here lift us from the places we are in right now and show us better life....
Auto-Rikshaw:An Auto rickshaw (auto or rickshaw in popular parlance) is a vehicle for hire that is one of the chief modes of transport in India and is popular in many other countries. It is a motorized version of the traditional rickshaw, a small three-wheeled cart driven by a person, and the velotaxi.