Job Hookers/ Changers There is a program which is telecasted by NDTV Good times channel, I was regular follower of one program called ‘Lounge’. Normally the program gets telecasted from Friday to Sunday at 11:00PM and there will be a replay on Monday at 9:00PM. Hosted by ‘Rajat Kapoor’ very nice program. Leaving aside the program details.

I happened to be so lucky while I was browsing through the channels last night I happened to see suddenly this channel all smiles, felt very nice after one and half month close to two months I was totally detached from the TV channels of my choice.
The topic for the discussion was Job Changers, as per routine three guests were invited for sharing their personal views and idea’s. The first guest who’s name was Fizal (forgive me if the spelling is wrong) He is by profession an add designer, he changed four jobs for the past 3 years. He said his first job lasted for about 4 months and then so on and so forth. The second guest is a lady forgot her name she is working for an corporate bank in Mumbai she has an experience of 12 years in which she changed only 2 jobs. The third guest no clue where he is from but he is modest at his talk.

The basic discussions went on and the reasons for any one to change job an expert psychologist says ‘ A fine morning you get up and feel that oh GOD I have to go for work’ this is the hint for any one that they are fed up of the job and its time to see to move on(I feel daily the moment I get up). Not only that one good point is when one person is changing jobs he is taking lot of risk, it is time consuming also 6 months before the search and 6 months after getting into new organization. There are many things involved in this. We can not say that the stable person learns more than the person who is more involved in changing companies, learning depends on the individual ability. We can not blame any one for any reason. We ought to keep one strong point in mind that one has their own difficulties, which they alone know. Not only that the pressure of getting more earning wise is also major factor for one to see for opportunities. They also said that the age factor and gender factor which is very predominant in one’s decision making. I don’t totally agree with this point probably some where down the line these also could be factor for the decision making
Like e.g.: Male is the bread winner of the family who has to work hard to get more money to satisfy the family. Females have lesser responsibilities comparatively in this area. Age the one in early 20’s can take risk and see as he is very independent.
One more there are some companies which fail to use the knowledge base that’s available with them. They rather concentrate more on building business and stuff but forget to use the capacity one has. This is the strong feeling that I am having right now. I feel I am under utilized not blaming anyone. I want to move on. Join me in my prayers so that I get a job where I can stick to it for minimum of 5 years and deliver my best in what ever way it is possible with my potentials.