Many of our things are dependant on the professional life. We re-locate the places in hunt of good placements in highly paying companies. We change ourselves to earn good name with the boss (many a times) and for few colleagues.
We change our attitude if our boss tells you are wrong u are this that. We do many things many parts of our life just for a reason called JOB.
Job pays a major role in our lives we change our personal plans for the work and a call in weekends. We stay tuned for all that related to job. This might differ from person to person definitely but mostly job hunt or job change is a major decision.
Its is as hard as deciding life partner and trying to convince his/her families to make the relationship work.
All of us earn heavy but we are also failing to understand at the cost of our personal life and health we are earning heavy.
I have seen workaholics in my career who work day and night. I have always see that tension in my head if something is not working or some work is pending, I almost get dreams on the same. I question many a times myself why I am always like that. Why can not I take things light?
I tried yoga and meditation I think the psychological problems are to be dealt in a different line all together. We all need to delimit ourselves to giving importance to work and workplace.
We (including me) always fail to understand that we are driving to the level of diseases and trauma in personal life by giving much importance to the work.
I feel we all need to make up our mind to not to depend so much on the work and work related things. We all need to learn how to take things light under the conditions of pressure and tension.
We need to categorize what’s important and unimportant for some one sitting on top might be X-work is very important we must evaluate taking our personal conditions into decision making scale.
I hope and pray that we all life happy for the life that’s set forth for us……!

This message is meant for all those feel that it is highly prestigious issue to have a great job and making good money. We need to have healthy lifestyle and happy home which in long run helps, we need to have a healthy spiritual life with almighty which is missing in many of our lives