LORD supplies all our needs at his time..!
I am the witness for the biggest miracle that happens in my life. I have seen loads of hope and trust in lord. I knew things are going to work. GOD had put me that burden to take out my sinful life and clean be and bring me to right direction.
It might sound silly to others but it means a lot. I had applied for a course in a prestigious institution I had all the faith that things will workout positive for me on 16th December 2010 i got reminded that things did not really turned out as i had thought off. I went into major disappointment. Cried enough with mom and LORD.
Mom told me one thing to wait for the second list as human i had variety of thoughts I felt what i did not get in first list what are you talking.
I met my pastor at FGAG church he gave me a verse which said lord will go before you and he will prepare a place for you before he leads you there. The same things happen. I went to the same college on 29th and met the professor and he confirmed my seat on that day, I had faith that on 29th lord is doing this for me. You might not believe I saved in my mobile also those details that lord is placing me in that college on 29th.
This is my testimony in my professional life. I am sure GOD is going to lead me through this course for a year. I love my lord and he is everything for me. Bless everyone to know you as a personal savior o lord. Give them that burden in their life to know you more and more. AMEN!