I always think well about me. There are very few I can say who do their self assessment properly. When I was told by a person that I am worthless and I am dam bad , I cried on that night, later when I started thinking about it and analyzing the same I some where realized that I was wrong to a major extent so only such a good person also want to run away from me .
When I think after any such incidence I will definitely get an answer for that. Probably I was wrong in many ways but one thing, Life taught me many lesions. I had made many friends once but today I do not want to trust anyone for any reason. I was one who always used to trust people fast. Today I do not want to be the same. One thing I have learnt is having self confidence in me. Even in the midst of trouble I don’t want to loose that once I loose , that’s the dead end there is no way for me .
Harshness is one more thing which no one can take, Being harsh to people will take anyone miles away from the other person. The time we live is very short let’s live cool why do we need to fight or disturb some one who is not interested in us. Harshness, being rude it is one and the same we can never get a person by being so.
Third thing asking too many questions, Obvious we never want to face questions. Especially in circumstances where we our self are in wrong foot. One should understand all these. One more thing knowing a little psychology of a person is very important in building relationships.
Too much of analysis is bad let’s get on with our routine let’s not analyze anyone let’s do self assessment which might help us to groom our future…
I always think well about me. There are very few I can say who do their self assessment properly. When I was told by a person that I am worthless and I am dam bad , I cried on that night, later when I started thinking about it and analyzing the same I some where realized that I was wrong to a major extent so only such a good person also want to run away from me .
When I think after any such incidence I will definitely get an answer for that. Probably I was wrong in many ways but one thing, Life taught me many lesions. I had made many friends once but today I do not want to trust anyone for any reason. I was one who always used to trust people fast. Today I do not want to be the same. One thing I have learnt is having self confidence in me. Even in the midst of trouble I don’t want to loose that once I loose , that’s the dead end there is no way for me .
Harshness is one more thing which no one can take, Being harsh to people will take anyone miles away from the other person. The time we live is very short let’s live cool why do we need to fight or disturb some one who is not interested in us. Harshness, being rude it is one and the same we can never get a person by being so.
Third thing asking too many questions, Obvious we never want to face questions. Especially in circumstances where we our self are in wrong foot. One should understand all these. One more thing knowing a little psychology of a person is very important in building relationships.
Too much of analysis is bad let’s get on with our routine let’s not analyze anyone let’s do self assessment which might help us to groom our future…
How i wish i can be the as clean as the paper above . But there is something written , you need to click that to see what did i write there he he he he ..
Thanks for the comment on my blog:)
With respect to this entry, I am with you on all your views. Being self confident and modest will definitely keep one happy. there will always be ups and downs and its just our attitudein handling it
This is nicely written Sheela, Probably the best of yours.
"why do we need to fight or disturb some one who is not interested in us"
I liked the above very much.
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