I started liking cooking. I know that’s an art and experience makes man perfect. Yesterday was a day where I got up at 9:00Am from my bed and slept in front of TV till 12:00PM and all of a sudden my stomach started giving alarm. Went in to kitchen my roomy was preparing idly for her, I saw here and there and suddenly potato recipe stuck me which one of my Tamilian friend had taught me then called her also to have lunch with me but went out to get veggies and by 3:00PM all set to eat . I did not know what went in to my little brain , I saw that Tamil girl preparing one day pappu vada I also kept things ready before going out only . After lunch that girl (Tamilian) went upstairs I was in front of TV as I had slept more than needed with all Body pains I was ready to cook VADA it sadly turned out to be DIET VADA . No worries second time I can prepare well . Was crispy and in good shapes but mirchy less salt less (precautionary good to eat less salt and less mirchy na ) Then comes later part dinner my Tamilian friend kept dosa maav ready but I asked her teach me and I will prepare so she taught me I prepared DOSA wow .. Can not imagine and we both had DOSA .. Today one more dish Idly tonight lovely I will become perfect south Indian cook by end of the session.. Lets hope for the best..
It is good to prepare instead of eating all the time... Do experiment u might fail once but iam sure that failure will make us strong ....
Cool...cooking is a LOT of fun. The aroma, the flavors....the entire package.....have fun in d kitchen. :)
Thanks a lot rachel , will surely do that . .... I hope i will succed in becoming a good cook if not good eater ....
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