It was a critical case according to my colleague. He is an old man who has memory loss and many more complications. There was a problem in radiology department as she is responsible for the department she was there suddenly she got a call of CT technician that patient who is undergoing diagnosis got attack (he is also a stroke patient it seems).
The whole issue she explained me first of all the CT angiography needs an Anaesthetist technician and a radiologist finally to analyze, CT nurse is permanent there. She asked coordinator to send an Anaesthetist as this was a cold case and it is IP case too. This patient was under orthopeadician. He was shifted to CT machine to take up CT cerebral angioplasty, as he was lying my colleague went to see him before the procedure as she was there in the department with an issue. It seems he asked her, where were u all these days not seen now a days? U are looking good in this dress he said.
After sometime an Anaesthesia registrar came grumbling to the CT angioplasty room to give local Anaesthesia to the case. He saw the case and read the reports I mean case sheet and others , later he contacted primary treating consultant and then Anaesthesia coordinator also . He started giving anesthesia, then after that contrast was given the CT cerebral angioplasty procedure started. He (anesthesia registrar) denied to come out of CT room knowing the fact that the rays are bad normal body should not get exposed . To prevent this, they will be given lead aprons . He did not wear anything but he stood inside only. To every one's shocking monitor was black after 10 min.
Patient had cardiac arrest, central announcing system is not working yet courtesy which ever department did not develop that. Crash cart and other things were there in place. My colleague suddenly called emergency coordinator he is just next to radiology department he came running with his team and resuscitated the patient. Mean while she called cardiologist also he also came and saw the patient .But what can the poor well educated guys (patient's sons) can do patient is fully paralyzed now. He is in surgical ICU now 24 hours of observation. Can not really fill the incident report also on anyone. Patient when he was taken to emergency for stabilizing, my colleague met the whole team and said few sweet words but she says I doubt one person but can not say anything as the patient is alive but fully paralyzed.
Big burden for the family to see a person who can not do anything but he is on bed alive , he might get recover with the physiotherapy support but chances are very less according to doctors . Damage has been done no one can rewind anything, guilt is always there. My colleague today morning says I could not sleep properly I dreamt about old man , she wanted to see him in SICU today morning hope he will be fine and goes back home after fully recovering . ‘N’ number of complicated cases come now a days, people working there need to be strong enough this is the message for my colleague , we can not really say who's fault it is but it is done ....
Amen to ur prayers ... hope recovery is full and quick ...
hey good i cant believe u still carrying your hobby of writing i was just goin through this its good all d best good work.
prem UK
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