An another name for leading life with out messsssssss!. What happens when we analyze life is we miss out the sweetest memories of life. We need to negotiate in the normal routine life also this negotiation process is between creator and mankind. Wow great na.
When we see in scripture readings, GOD told us not to be in such situation he asks us to have faith and hope in everything we do. Woooooooooooo but we always enrich ourselves with day to day problems.
I have an ideal personality in my life, who always used to build everything in air she is one who always believes there is nothing to compromise in life what ever may come. She (XYZ) is my classmate and was colleague for one year six months now hardly calls me that am there. But to tell you all she is one who always had a strong belief that things will come true.
When we were together my sweetu (my best friend) used to ask me why does things turn her side. At one point we thought she has some power. You know we both my best friend and me plan out everything when we are inside room and come out. We strongly make up our mind that what ever may come we are not going by her words that’s XYZ’s word but ultimately we land up in a situation where in we need to go by XYZ’s word ..So she is to larger extent believes in herself.
Thank you madam for making me realize that life is all about how we live not what is fate and not messing up things he he he he he he he really miss you at times . But she is very greedy and she is very insecure about certain things as we all know we have positive and negatives edges of us in life ,, hooooooooooo let all go and we be happy with out tears and only sweet smile on this face .. have a pleasant time
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