Did any time this struck our mind? We just live as if time is pushing us. We do things which we like and sometimes we are forced to do things which we don’t like also.
When we sit calm also the thinking process is still on. It is never ending; we keep thinking and burdening ourselves for no reason.
The mirror inside you reflects your face and mind to do what you have to do, but still we hide ourselves somewhere and try portraying as if we are different .
Why do you like few people it is all that frequency which matches with them. We feel they are meant for something. When you feel so you try giving them lot of importance to that person .In that run we forget that we are loosing our own-ness just to win that person.
Many instances we love a person more than required, give them lot of attention, which some really enjoy not giving obviously getting attention.
All these are never ending it just comes as a wave which wipes what ever is written in the sand on the beach. Life is the same what ever is meant for us is decided long back , rest all is just the beautiful lines which we are writing with lot of patients on the sand knowing that waves will wipe away how ever beautiful it might be. That’s the ultimatum accept what is meant for you and go on in life ….. Life ahead is so beautiful provided if you want to make that beautiful.
Analyze yourself what you are? And do not hide your self. Your beauty lies there when you know what you are? Many a times we do not know what we are that when , we end up in mess.
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