There are so many things one wants to convey to the other person but many a times He/ She can not express things as too much of anything is bad.
There is a limit to everything we do in life. There should be said lines where one can draw for every instance. We ignore certain things in life for specific reasons but that ignorance will not fade the memory. Some where back of our minds we still have but we always think that we have ignored that instance.
There are some points I want to convey in general …. They are … Here they go ….
- Do not neglect any one for any reason
- Do not under / over estimate any one for any purpose / reason
- Do not look at a person with a wrong intuition in your mind about that person
- Never portray your self negative for anyone
- Do not avoid a person for any odd reason
- Never measure the person in front of you. Remember that we will also be measured with the same scale
- Treasure what you have now
- Have always positive thoughts to larger extent
- Remember that there is solution behind every problem, but remember that time is the only teacher and it is the only decision maker which leads us in that way…
- Try to avoid giving false reasons for any thing
These are some points which we always need to remember and practice also…. World around is very small, we might need people for what ever reason. But remember this when we need the most there will not be a single person except your loved one’s and your Almighty who is your creator and always watching you and helping you ..
That was such a cute post girl and loved all your points...
Thank you so much priya .. To be frank with you . I have written this for one of my friend hope he read this .... Have good time where ever you are .. I read all your blogs .. They are too good
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