I recently made a new friendship with a girl. I know her because of my classes, which I am attending during my GMITE program. She is very nice younger to me by a year. That’s all to introduce her here. She is very very nice and similarities of her and me:
--We both are Librans
--We both are studying in the same college
-- We both belong to the same group for assignments and combined studies
--We both stay in same area called JAYANAGAR in BENGULURU
I think these are just not enough to make friendship we share common thoughts and we are comfortable to speak with each other.
I must say she is good in sharing her thoughts public, as i do here. I am giving a section of her speech which she delivered on WOMEN'S DAY...
The part that immensely attracted me is the conclusion. I thought this channel I share and cherish with you all these few thoughts of her...
All of us have experienced how uncomfortable it feels when a highway is under construction. For centuries human society was like single lane, one way road. Now it is becoming a highway. Men and women should make it convenient for each other to move ahead. Smooth drive is possible on this new highway only through mutual respect, understanding and acknowledgement of each other’s strengths. Men and women should create a peaceful and healthy world together for the forthcoming generations.
This transformation does not need a liberation movement. Nothing can change overnight by celebrating women’s day once in a year. This starts with small and simple steps. When women are respected at home and workplace and are given equal opportunities to express their creativity, the collaboration will commence.
Cheers to all the lovely ladies here and to those gentlemen who accept and appreciate the value of women in their life.

This is for your wonderful clarity in your thoughts..
thank you...overwhelmed by your warmth :)
I felt i can share your thoughts here... I feel so proud for having a chance to share your thoughts.. We shall stay in touch..
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