We do not like some one questioning us for each and everything in our life. When were small we did not realize but when we were in mom's lap she used to question us why you are doing this and that knowingly she did that she knows that we can not answer her but still she kept questioning us ...
So this Q&A session has a long history one thing is good when we question we get not only answers we make the other person think . When I was in college i used to ask too many questions and when my lecturer just ignores I used to go out and ask him the same and one day I have realized he doesn’t like some one questioning ,but I thought he is not confident enough and not only me many had that in their minds . I feel he just comes to teach a lesson will not even ask do you have doubts ,because he is not confident enough to teach at all .I pity him for that...
when I came to PG level again my Principal used to look at us in weekly forums ... he thinks if we have understood we should have doubts .It is not that if we do not understand also just for the sake of asking we can ask .One thing we never used to give attention we used to have our own busy life .But I have left questioning in my degree courtesy my lecturer .... Now again to resume it was pretty difficult .But one person was there always to rescue he was my classmate he used to have loads questions and he used to note down in a small slip paper where no one could understand what it is all about, even I tried one day i took his slip after a session and all though my way to bus stop I was just going through that slip where i missed city bus. Of course many a times he asks all foolish just for the sake of asking he used to do that ......Many a times I kept quite because asking a great professor or pointing out at him is bad again courtesy my lecturer in degree ...
Some are afraid of questioning because they will be questioned again some attempt to answer some takes offensive way some takes it as a challenge some will be very frank they will tell I am not sure about this and will let you know .. I feel all these are the barriers for a person ....
Let us tell the world in professional and in personal life we have many questions unanswered because of many reasons. One thing I said it is best not to put too many questions when questions are unanswered we get disappointed in life so just to over come this .I said with my experience but please do not really stop questioning as I always believe a situation has positive and negative effects so seeing positive side lets move ........
Hope today you will not be questioned by anyone ...........
If your boss questions why is it so we get wild no ... we forget one thing that his higher official asks him the same so he is getting a view from his subordinate .Try to give him your view he will not openly say that but keep that in your mind that we are answering a higher official in answering our own boss ....(this is professional life)
well, this is the first time I am visiting your blog and must say that I am impressed by the depth of topics you deal with...good show sheela.
Thank you Kiran ....
When we phase situations and overcome certain things we know it better .So i will only say all these are some of my own experiences in my journey ...
once again thanks a lot
Dear Sheelu
Sorry couldn't follow your blog in last couple of days. This is once again a good writing Sheelu.
Wht's this ? you haven't written any blog after 28th?
Are you okay?
Keep writing buddy..
LOts of luv & good wishes
your friend :)
Dear Sheelu
where are you? You haven't written any blog since 28th sept.
are you okay?
With lots of luv
your friend :)
Hey Sheela,
Hope you are doin' well in your field.
Good to see your blog page by the way which is of course ostensibly different from traditional blogs. I din't have entire look into it but surely go through the articles in office where fun gets bivalent, doing these kinda works. I apprise to read the love you put in this blog, seems likka way to access the wisest of counselors, having cerebral sees :)
Reason to feel the fond of this blog is simple, it served to show me that those original thoughts of yours aren't very new after all, some how I have the same undergoes.
Hope for your good health & wealth and wishing you the day you wanted to be.
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