when ever we hear what heart says where we will land up?
when we listen to mind where we will land up ?
when will we listen to heart and mind combindly ........?
for a girl from the age of 12 years had so many crushes and she used to think it was a crime having feelings for someone .
when she was in the age of 18 what she did she started seeing many girls having guys besides them and getting so many letters and stuff.
when she was 20 she has got an opportunity to get an proposal from a boy by then she was tired in life she thought she donot have a place for a guy ...
when she was 21 Again another chance came to her door steps but she refused for a reason .In the same year another chance came she refused that too.
when she was 23 years old she had a same feeling as she used to have in teen age she thought it would never happend but because of her friend she has spelled it out and she had to phase a negative answer which was horrible she took lots of time to come out the whole situation ...
Now she is having the same situations like before how to deal with it ......... which is a big question mark ?
she has no answer to many questions ?
will it remain as a question always ?
what is this ?
she is unable to analyse anything whom to blame for this ......? Tears are left for her ......
hope and pray she would have great feelings and have a wonderful person in life who was made for her ...
let us all pray for this girl so that she finds solutions ................................
Hey Sheela
your way writing is pretty good.
by the by about which girl you are talking about Sheela? ;)
your friend :)
should i tell you truth or should i lie to you ... it was me it was all about me
this is truth
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