In life we conclude things so fast, just with one incidence many a times why is left as a big? (Question mark). Drawing conclusions out of a thing is analytically correct if we go by analysis one needs conclusion. In many presentations and speeches people conclude even when preacher finishes his/her words of meditation they conclude that’s a different thing, i feel it is their opinion what they are sharing with the entire world for its benefit.
We meet many situations where we were forced to conclude things. The thinking process makes us many a times conclude things. I used to take those conclusions as lesions for the life, but never felt that people around me are also taking the same. When I saw many people conclude and take it so serious sometimes it influences major decisions of life.(might be i would say the set of people i have met are like that )
We try to think many times negative that is ok one needs to take situations both the ways (negative as well as positive) this is a kind of preparation for worse come worse situations to face it boldly if we just hope and just think positive many a times it might not work out finally get disappointed . In relationships especially I feel one should not expect things from others when there is chance for this (Expectations)then whole thing ruins.
Let us leave everything to GOD which we never do that but i feel we should do that, fully give him control on our lives so that let him judge us let him give us what he wants but never forget to do our karma and hard work with out that nothing happens .
I do not want to conclude.You(who is reading this ) have to decide whether conclusions or good or bad????????
If you think and come to conclusions if you feel conclusions are good .
Other wise....................... (Incomplete) THINK BIG
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