Be the reason for someone's Happiness never a part of it Be a part of someone's Sadness never the reason for it!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy ? Is he going to be all right ? When can I see him ?"
The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer ? Doesn't God care any more ? Where were you, God, when my son needed you ?" The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone with your son ? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university."
Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good bye to son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair. "Would you like a lock of his hair ?" the nurse asked. Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the University for Study. He said it might help somebody else. "I said no at first, but Jimmy said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his Mom."
She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could." Sally walked out of Children's Mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there.
She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room.
She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he had always kept them. She laid down across his bed and, hugging his pillow, cried herself to sleep. It was around midnight when Sally awoke.
Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said :"Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, just 'cause I'm not around to say "I Love You". I will always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. This really is a neat place.
Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see GOD ! And guess what, Mom ? I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was somebody important. That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you good bye and everything. But I already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what Mom ? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed him ?'
"God said He was in the same place with me, as when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool ? I have to give God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be great. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a Special Delivery ! How about that ?
Signed with Love from God, Jesus & Me.
Friday, November 17, 2006

I always think well about me. There are very few I can say who do their self assessment properly. When I was told by a person that I am worthless and I am dam bad , I cried on that night, later when I started thinking about it and analyzing the same I some where realized that I was wrong to a major extent so only such a good person also want to run away from me .
When I think after any such incidence I will definitely get an answer for that. Probably I was wrong in many ways but one thing, Life taught me many lesions. I had made many friends once but today I do not want to trust anyone for any reason. I was one who always used to trust people fast. Today I do not want to be the same. One thing I have learnt is having self confidence in me. Even in the midst of trouble I don’t want to loose that once I loose , that’s the dead end there is no way for me .
Harshness is one more thing which no one can take, Being harsh to people will take anyone miles away from the other person. The time we live is very short let’s live cool why do we need to fight or disturb some one who is not interested in us. Harshness, being rude it is one and the same we can never get a person by being so.
Third thing asking too many questions, Obvious we never want to face questions. Especially in circumstances where we our self are in wrong foot. One should understand all these. One more thing knowing a little psychology of a person is very important in building relationships.
Too much of analysis is bad let’s get on with our routine let’s not analyze anyone let’s do self assessment which might help us to groom our future…
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thoughts are something which gives an immense burden to the individual and they lead the whole thing. Mind does everything let us not get into scientific things of it. Generally there are few who think a lot about small instances too, it is harmful many a times by thinking so much we loose the trust and confidence which again may lead to an dead end.
My friend always used to tell me tera brain ek din udjayega . I think a lot. A small thing for me is a big issue. The person next to me it might sound very silly but for me everything is big and one more bad thing is doing kichidi I mix everything and that makes me feel I am over burdened on this earth. Do not feel like working also how i feel if I get leave and go home and sleep ohhhhh… Noooooooo it is not possible now another 4 hours in this office yes 4 more hours the day ends in office. How craze am I .
I have nothing to say now I only ask GOD to change me and ask him to control my thinking process ........
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It was planned one and later thought I can not make it but it was GOD’s will that I had to attend Farhat’s Wedding so only I could make it. We were all eight members while going I could not catch the bus in jubilee bus stop went till MGBS (one more corner )at night all alone he he he I manage things all alone . Then a call from my classmate where are you? Finally when I reached bus stop there was no one. I was panic first then called them, they were busy in choosing the best MICROWAVE for Farhat. She is my MHM classmate who was very calm and quite girl most of them used to like her for her quietness. That’s all about Farhat.
Coming to Journey I was sitting in the waiting hall of Volvo corner then three of my gang came finally we got into bus I was very much exited after meeting all of them. Its been two years since I met them all at once missed my BEST FRIEND as she could not make it. Other wise we all could not sleep till 4 AM and 6AM we reached the place and settled comfortably in lodge then comes the part of sleeping we both girls along with me one more classmate had come so I had a girl company, we both slept till 9AM guys were really tensed as we both were in soundless sleep and did not pick up calls nor responded to the knock at the door. Finally I had to get up get ready to go to the marriage . Farhat was so happy seeing all. To tell you all this was my first Muslim marriage I have attended I was so keen to see what’s happening. Aslam came first they had to do everything later we decided to have our breakfast then madam Farhat Arrived in BURKA. She wore this for the first time.
Then we both girls went and greeted her and came and sat there were two stages I was turning to words Farhat but all my classmates were busy in pulling me. Then I felt very bad when Farhat started crying I was thinking why all this has to happen to girl alone ?? These questions are not answered by anyone life is all about changes.
After the marriage my gang got a wonderful idea of having snap together with both of them and they had a long discussion and finally agreed for the photo session. We had to proceed to the most awaited session of having lunch we finished that then all came to an end we had to leave the marriage hall as there were no interesting guys nor girls of our choices .. he he he just kidding .
We have decided to go to see the Gunnies book of world record entry Banyan Tree. It was 25 Km we went and saw that came back and saddest thing we all had to leave to different places I came back to HYD with another three and two went to Bangalore and one to Guntur .. But was nothing like a that wonderful moment which I can never forget , I had PAN there which ended up in giving lot of pain with a reaction .. Worth doing all that , had applied Mehandi also wow too good … My classmates were telling that they are all ready to attend my wedding but they need to wait some time for that .. So GUYS wait for my wedding you will get invitation after 2 years …But for now bless newly wedded couple and pray for their future…
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It was too good to have many surprises on my Special Day. A special person remembered my birthday and called me at 12:05AM and sang song for me lovely it was really a big surprise then a message from a person, which was even more shocking and surprising. I was always thinking that the person does not know my contact number but GOD only knows how he got my number. The next one early morning my mom came from my place to be with me on my birthday wow that was amazing thing. It was like getting plenty of roses from some where. Then comes the next one my colleague from Dhaka has come down and called me on that day wished me. Then comes the exiting thing my sweetest friend called me up saying she is sending her friend as she could not make it, went down and saw the guy who was very busy in picking the sapota’s from the “PURE AND NATURAL” he wished me and some one from behind came with a sweet voice to hug me and wish me that was my sweetu wow she came to wish me and made my day a special one.. I must be very much thankful to GOD for giving me such a wonderful time on my birthday. But there is still one more left. Some one in hi5 has invited me and wanted to become a friend of mine that remind as a shock and surprise too.. Too many to write. I thank Almighty for such a wonderful time on that day. I can not measure how happy I was that day. To end with met another birthday boy who was my lecturer in my MHM he saw me on road but called me for dinner to join with their small family went and wished him .We both had pleasure of cutting the cake together always but this time we had chocolates he gave me many chocolates which I love . This was my birthday updates….Was it interesting or anyone felt boring I am sorry …But thanks once again for all your prayers which are making me lead my life in a wonderful way …
Thursday, September 21, 2006

An another name for leading life with out messsssssss!. What happens when we analyze life is we miss out the sweetest memories of life. We need to negotiate in the normal routine life also this negotiation process is between creator and mankind. Wow great na.
When we see in scripture readings, GOD told us not to be in such situation he asks us to have faith and hope in everything we do. Woooooooooooo but we always enrich ourselves with day to day problems.
I have an ideal personality in my life, who always used to build everything in air she is one who always believes there is nothing to compromise in life what ever may come. She (XYZ) is my classmate and was colleague for one year six months now hardly calls me that am there. But to tell you all she is one who always had a strong belief that things will come true.
When we were together my sweetu (my best friend) used to ask me why does things turn her side. At one point we thought she has some power. You know we both my best friend and me plan out everything when we are inside room and come out. We strongly make up our mind that what ever may come we are not going by her words that’s XYZ’s word but ultimately we land up in a situation where in we need to go by XYZ’s word ..So she is to larger extent believes in herself.
Thank you madam for making me realize that life is all about how we live not what is fate and not messing up things he he he he he he he really miss you at times . But she is very greedy and she is very insecure about certain things as we all know we have positive and negatives edges of us in life ,, hooooooooooo let all go and we be happy with out tears and only sweet smile on this face .. have a pleasant time

Now a days we are in so called modern era where in we make friends with out seeing him/her. One thing I used to always have in my mind before experiencing that kind of friendship. How do I trust a person without seeing? This was a big question mark all the time but still to kill the loneliness I have started chatting when I was working in Dhaka, the chat was to start with first family then relatives and then college seniors juniors then finally unknown . A fine day, one of my senior gave me one site to download so that he said he can chat through that. I had no clue as to what it was anyways yahoo was blocked for him so he asked me to download this and gave http also, first thing I had asked him I don’t have anyone slowly I was almost addicted to it and all my colleagues got used to that chat room and there was no recreation so everything was through chat. Slowly started knowing many people shared about me an my life and that was all fine. Till today I have the same question why do we trust a person so much?
I have an answer GOD who is the sole controller he will have his own purpose in doing things, so in that run we happen to be very emotional and get hurt also . I don’t know it is for good or bad some times what ever happens has to happen for some reason, we can not neglect or forego anything.
We are all social animals where in we need people specially after certain period of time our needs change and that’s when we start getting attracted to opposite sex persons there is nothing wrong in it because it is a natural phenomenon has to happen. I just came across a incidence which happen to my classmate, that people misuse what is existing. My classmate in PG she is topper in my class she had a friend who gave his details through chat and met her, she used to go around she is unmarried girl she is doc by profession. She suddenly came to know on a fine day that he was married and all the details which he has provided her were turned to be wrong. Imagine the trauma she must have underwent, he was married and had a kid too but still was trying to flirt around with a girl. Why does such thing happen? When are we going to change our thinking? These are all unanswerable it is all fun time for some one but they always forget that fun will give pain to the other person. There are many things happening now a days but this might be 50% the other 50% is that we are getting to know a person who will be life time friend some are turning to be partners too . We never know what happens but what ever happens happens for a cause …
Monday, September 18, 2006

It is really difficult many a times when we can not think of anything. Certain instances make individuals feel really unhappy when we face situations we know the pain in it . There are different ways to deal the situation. There are people who deal situations on their own some are very much dependent on people. I think I belong to the second category. I really depend on people for every small thing. When I was with mom I used to think she can not keep anything to her self, yes my mom is one who has to tell everything to others I am not that kinds I will not tell unless I am close to people .Today I need to assess myself whether my dependence on that person is really going to make both our lives hell. I used to think all the time friends are those who stand besides what ever may come. I now realized too much of anything makes a person feel that this person is useless and start hating that person. It is we who make things worse in our life. Life is all about how we live, one should know how to live their life. Problems are part and parcel of life no one can avoid it but we can not really runaway from situations one needs to face it.
Last week My colleague came to me running morning morning saying do you know … she explained what has happen to her in the city bus, I told her that’s not the way to deal with such things and I felt it is silly why she is taking things seriously. Today I was in same position, mine was worse. I read sometime back in some article that some people are psycho and they do what ever they want it was proved today that it is true...
Today as usual I was in my second bus 47L to come office I was standing as it was raining outside continuously I am in the bus. After sometime the third stop that is Pantaloon stop came and the two girls who were sitting in the last seat(for women) got down I got place, getting place in the morning is really unimaginable anyways I was happy first thing that I got seat and the next thing I never realized that happiness leads to something else . There was place next to me a guy sat first he was sober I did not even look at him then after some time it was two stops before my stop he was trying to come close .First thought must be by mistake then I adjusted myself but still he was touching my leg . Horrifying thing after sometime he pulled my Jacket .I was scared for a minute I was thoughtless many things came into mind if I shout what happens and what should I do I just looked at him seriously then got up from seat and stood in the front as my stop was very near .. Why am I sharing this with you all is, Today’s generation is showing ways to spoil. He might not get anything if he touches me but one day will definitely come that day he has to answer GOD ALMIGHTY why he has done it. We are all human beings we can not become wild animals.
GOD bless his thinking of people and protect everyone who are having such thoughts so that they bring in the change which is really needed.. Thanks for hearing to my prayer oh lord ..AMEN
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The whole issue started at 12:00AM last night. I had a fight with my so called dearest friend he told me I am irritating anyways I do agree many a times I irritate him a lot . Fine morning I woke up at 5:00Am as usual very nice girl na ha ha ha you are very wrong I just keep immersion rode and go back to my sleep again the same alarm rang at 6:30 AM so sad I got up got ready an came I was still angry with my so called dearest friend . I did not wanted to call him but what happened was I got in to first bus that was fine I reached the next station to get in to second bus there I found 47Z/C which is a new bus I asked the driver casually will it go through that he said yes . I was very happy and for the first time I got seat also what a pity na . I opened my great novel and settled in my seat the conductor came he asked me ticket I told him my stop and he stretched his hands to words me for money I gave Rs.100/- he denied he said you get down or give correct change . I was stubborn I did not wanted to get down again in the sunny road I need to stand he came back again and said the same and sadly he asked the driver to stop the bus and asked me to get down . This I never faced I was still stubborn but because of me the people who are there already in the bus have to suffer so I got down and called my dearest friend he was so angry picked my call after 6 rings and asked what ? . I told him this he said what should I do . I claim he is my dearest friend right but he does not feel the same and I SMS ed him the same and went in to a pan chop showed a pitiable face that fellow gave me change and thank GOD I am in office now .. I pray god that no one should face such things because of any situation.. THANKS FOR READING THIS..
Friday, August 18, 2006
I have joined a TPA (Third party administration ) in health care insurance it is nice and it is new .It is been 18 days since I am working for this organization . I think professional life will be better as I will be working here on many things. To tell one thing life is really busy after I joined here I realized life is not so easy as I was thinking. Some times I feel I don’t have time for myself. BUS journey is something to be explained at large where as the buses during the morning and evening the preferable time to show how much strength one has got. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha it is really worth traveling in fully flooded buses in Hyderabad wow amazing. What more I can tell about life here. In this organization they are training me in many things wonderful part is I will be doing accounting part of the work that is called “Re-conciliation” Now I am at the preliminary stage of work where as I am doing primary analysis which is really worth doing it I am really enjoying the time . The time passes just like that morning I report sharp at 8:45AM and evening I leave by 5:40PM God only knows how time passes in between. My sis is so sweet and concerned about me morning she gets up for me and asks me whether I had breakfast or not and she goes back to sleep cho chweet na . Anyways that’s all one side of it and the other side is I am enjoying things and I have applied for a course in Symbiosis University but sadly they have given admission in some other course . I had applied for PGDCRM (Post graduate diploma in customer relationship management ) but they gave me PGDBA( postgraduate diploma in business administration) so sad na pray for me . I am not getting time to speak to university people also about this . Lets see how things turn out …. That’s from me now rest all in next blog ……
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Life is all about learning every moment. One fine day something happen where in me and my dearest sister went on a long drive it was about 100kms from Hyderabad, we were sad but GOD made that drive safe and memorable in all the ways.
After coming from Dhaka life in India was bit tough and it was all about solving problems at different ends. Professional life and personal life was tough. It was impossible to cope up with the routine as I had every minute a different angle of it I am still on JOB HUNT which is difficult time in life .
I had faced enough and I am just waiting for the will of GOD to happen in my life. Keep your prayers for me I need all of your prayer support to be strong in life...THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS...
Friday, June 16, 2006

Director nursing services here is leaving tomorrow early morning. I went to meet her now, it is really sad she was very close to me. She was almost like my friend who used to mingle so well in that age too .
We have done shopping together many times I love being with her, normally we say old aged ladies are hard to manage but she is not like that, very friendly she is not that old aged kinds. She calls me darling darling all the time. She was with me for the past one year 2 months all the time she used to just come for any help.
I had taught her computers for some time she is leaving now. Life is all miracles we meet many some become close but we need to leave them all some time or the other. I wish and pray for her so that she should be healthy and she should reach home safe.

Good that we are all friends in life we have different categories like relatives family friends and family friends ... the list goes on and on .. Take a second think you are in a dire need of a person whom do you bow upon if u really want to, he is your true friend . I am not telling you that only person who helps you is your friend but I am trying to tell you that u trust him the most and he value you the most.
In relationships I have seen one will be most expressive and one might not even say even he/she feels that but only that right person can understand their feelings. Friendship is very precious we need to treasure it when we have it with us . I have seen set of people till now. I can dare to say few are my best they love me the same but one thing again and again remember do not expect anything from anyone just give what ever you can . When we expect we might get disappointed at times.
I would want to tell one thing here I have got few friends whom I can really relay till my death but I am the same for them too. I must have hurt them , they must have hurt me but we understand more when we hurt each other. That trust and understanding is more important than anything be the same all the time. Remember friends when u are happy and sad too and remember when u pray every morning they need your prayers..
Monday, June 12, 2006

I was just thinking about this today, it is a bonding which brings in two different people together and makes them start a life all together new. Many must have told me many versions of marriage the life after marriage will be different for everyone. As we experience things some face many obstricles and some really loose things and they almost scarifies things for the other person.
Like any other relationship this is also one which makes two people of different ideas and thoughts together so that they live for each other the rest of life happy. We have different customs to celebrate a wedding but all customs we make the bride and groom make an oath in front of the lord and gathering that they will lead the life for each other.
When we have bitterness sorrow when we have broken heart the other person will always remain there with us. Some people really enjoy the company of each other. So

The man and women needs to control each other support each other and live the life happy. When I attend the wedding I observed many things where in more concentration is given to a girl and the moment she comes in we get up and sing a song for her the pastor goes and brings her she have flower girls around her, if we think why so, she is leaving her life and coming in to a man's house forever she has to make up her mind to live with a different person for the rest leaving family where she had her small dreams and wishes coming true all the time.. I really do not know might be for that reason girl is given importance.
Girl needs to do many things , first of all she needs to understand the

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The moment we hear about this the smell just touches , This is a seasonal flower which is very precious for many people, I have seen ladies dying for this flower , I suddenly one day found a tree full of flowers and plucked daily and used to keep in my room as natural smell will be there all through the evening . U do not believe how many ladies in my room asked me where do you get this from , till today i did not reveal them where I am getting this ....

People just need that info there won't be tree, forget about flower. I know for sure, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... U know some challenged me also that they would find where is this tree and from where iam getting but poor thing they could not ...
Small description for those who does not know about this flower and what is all about.....
Monday, June 05, 2006

Tomorrow that’s 06.06.06 is my sweet little sisters birthday she is

Note: count how many roses are there it should be 16 if less ask ur dad to add more

In life it becomes so important to realize one's mistakes. But what if time has passed away. We may do things in a hard way but we never realize things many a times our stubbornness stops us. I had a classmate of mine who was my internship mate and became colleague after coming here.
She used to love me so much, which I never used to care I had hurt her so many times but when I was in Delhi one night I thing around 8:00PM she had cried so bitterly for me just because I was not talking to her I did not care that time also then we left that place I mean Delhi. We both got chance to work together again I was not talking as usual but here and there I had a reason why I did not talk with her.
I can tell one thing probably I did not realize that it is not a big issue, nor I failed to make her realize that it is nothing. Times has passed away she was here with me one year. I will never see her anymore but I felt bad for the first time. She made an attempt to speak twice before leaving I was very stubborn I am hurt. I can not tell she is bad, she is not bad she had her prayers for me always. I wish her beautiful future...
As we swim this life we face lot more but ask Almighty for help donot harm anyone donot even think of harming someone .
I want you all to realize we are human beings we live very short period of time leave stubbornness’ and forgive others so that our sins will be forgiven. I need to say a word that I forgive her and i will continue to pray for her future. May GOD give her all the happiness in life and give her a good JOB which is more needed now GOD will prosper you ...TAKE CARE... BE SAFE
Friday, June 02, 2006

All of a sudden something happens which will mess up whole thing. Gets in the distance between people which was never there. I have good friends who are very nice but I really do not know how to treasure what I have I feel.
Mistakes are mistakes but I have one only question for GOD "You do not want to forgive me GOD" I hope things come back the same I can not imagine anything of that sort. I can not reveal the exact incidence happen here but I seek only your prayer support who so ever happens to read the blog.
We all do mistakes but repeating mistakes is painful, I do understand but what happens is life is so unpredictable we never know things could really change a person and take that person away from one who always used to claim to be BEST FRIEND. So sad I do not have any words to say now.
I would want to make one point very clear please realize mistakes and try not to repeat those, this message is for me also which is one I need to remember all the time till I live here . I do not know what’s going to happen but Almighty will never leave us alone that is for sure so he will take care of the situation and he will make people realize things. Hope that happens soon ... Keep smiling have a nice time...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
One fine day that is on 7th of Jan 2006 met a person who was very

He is very matured personality , loves blue colour to tell about him one blog is not enough he is one who used to support me a lot , I used to ask him to come online and voice chat with me he never said no to me infact he tried to adjust his time. He has not asked anything from me except that he wants me to choose a pucca veggie bramhin girl for him ha ha ha ha ha funny na I am a pure non-vegetarian. He loves two Hindi songs those are Kajrare from Bunty Aur Bubly and one more jhalak dhiklajaa from Aksar. Imagine a Tamil guy who is forcefully learning Hindi now enjoys Hindi songs this is for your information.To my surprise today he spoke in telugu too wow.
He is so nice I can not tell u, gave me so cute cute names gundus , lollu and what not we talk in Tamil , I can manage and he understands my language. He is one person in my life who sent a message when I was in a dire need of a person he sent one evening can I fly in the next flight to see you in Dhaka that was so nice I can not tell u how comforting it was wow so nice of him. One great thing is where ever he was in these 6 months he never lost touch with me through some means he was updating me about his wareabouts . I want him to get married soon to an understanding girl.
He is one of my best friend who has supported when I was falling back and when I was really going zig zig in graphs , as on today I must have hurt him so many times but to tell u the truth he never even tried hurting me . He is such a wonderful friend of mine. He asked me one day to give my recipe of sambar hope he tried that recipe some time he he he he he he ... I hope one day I can meet him soon.
GOD my only prayer to you for my friends where ever they are keep them safe and away from all the troubles and help them teach them what to do and how to go about with the problems they have present(if any). I surrender them to you o lord take care of them keep them happy all the time supply everything they need.. Keep them smiling all the time...
Saturday, May 27, 2006

This blog is for u all who supported me in many ways , days have come very near .We never know we must have met so many people . We must have developed so many kids of relationships and some amount of understanding , but we need to leave everything no one comes with us till end except our loving lord...
When i look back my life in gist I have not done anything I feel I have done mistakes but many have taught me so many things one friend of mine keeps reminding me that I need to learn from my mistakes . We need to first understand and try to have control to accept the mistake and learning part is for longer run where in we need to put full stop to the mistake by learning and by not repeating the same .
Many have come in to my life in many forms many have told me many things but when I sit back and think what have I learnt from them and what did i make them learn from me ? I have no answer guys be stable don’t go imbalanced . We have lots of worries , be stable when u take a decision because that decision might just change your life in many ways . Sit cool and think and try to get solution for yourself instead of searching here and there because people have got lots of opinions on the same incidence as you alone know the pain you are going through.
I know we all have a great strength in our lives lets take help from him he is just at your door knocking, just seek him he will rule and he will solve all our problems . He is our Almighty.
Do not give anyone so much of importance more than you in run you will feel bad and time must have just gone back . You see everything for momentary but in long run only our family will be there . Think they have got lots of trust on each one of us they think about us so much they love us so much . Lets see life in a different view lets do something different so that we will make things better if not best ...

The fruit i had after coming here many i have tasted after going to new places as usual but this fruit i did not like and one my friend last night was talking about his fruit he likes it so much , i saw here also people go mad for that fruit it is so called costly fruit in this land itseems , but we get plenty here .....
Fruits are good and i love fruits a lot except papaya which has got high values but i donot like that what to do? hay fruits are healthy eat well and stay healthy all of you ...

Origin: The lychee is native to low elevations of the provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien in Southern China. Cultivation spread over the years through neighboring areas of southeastern Asia and offshore islands. It reached Hawaii in 1873, and Florida in 1883, and was conveyed from Florida to California in 1897
Adaptation: Lychees require seasonal temperature variations for best flowering and fruiting, Warm, humid summers are best for flowering and fruit development, and a certain amount of winter chilling is necessary for flower bud development. Most varieties need between 100 and 200 hours of standard chilling (32° - 45° F). Cool winters with low rainfall are ideal for lychees. The trees become more hardy as they age. Mature trees have survived temperatures as low as 25° F when fully hardened off. Young trees may be killed by a light frost. Lychees can be successfully grown in frost-free coastal areas of California. There are trees in San Diego, California that are over 90 years old with no sign of decline in sight. It first fruited in Santa Barbara in 1914. They can be grown for a short period in a large container.
At times life just goes up and down as though it is so hard to live up to that. Mind says something heart says something else, life is not so simple as we live, daily we face many incidences some makes us feel good some makes us feel why are we living which are really bad at times .
Satan always makes u feel frustrated when we have everything also we want more and more which even that person can not experience and feel what exactly they want . GOD be there at my side when I fall and loose my self confidence. GOD why at all something happens to me? You want to make me strong but GOD I am loosing strength in many ways why father be there for me. I want you to rule me I want u to take in charge of things so that I can be balanced .
I am in pain lord I seek u with my whole heart come in to my life lord . This is the time u need to do everything for me , u be at my side and guide me what to do. I can not tell anything more than this lord be there for me father ....
U know everything Oh my father take things under your control so that i will be at peace I need u lord I am in dire need of u .. understand me ...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Necessity is the mother of invention
Last night as usual no electricuty courtesy Bangladesh Government and my house owner rest all flats give generator support excpt this conjuse ..
It was 10:00PM Dhaka time then i still tried sleeping some how the sweet little mosquitoes were trying to wake me up with their kisses , then got up at 12:16AM still no power and all my friends are with me (sweet little mosquitoes) my blacony door is open nice breeze was coming in but my friends wanted my company i guess . Then the next phase i felt hungry . Suprising !!!
I was hungry i thought i will just drink water and sleep but i suddenly realised there is pomegranate in the fridge there is no light but i some how manged taking a plate and fruit and knife to my room . Then sat in my small balcony and had fruit u know i ate it so well after that the power came it was so clean then i realised that dhaka is teaching me how to eat properly with out light .. ha ha ha ha ha ha
The reality is need i was hungry so that made me eat it well and neat .. thats life hunger make things which are impossible possible ....
Monday, May 22, 2006

In relationships we need some one who is more matured to act and confess at one or another point. A Tamil movie spoke a lot about how stupid a female acts when she was emotionally dependent on some one. In any relationship we need a greater responsibility.
Ego what is this all about why do we think that I am something great. We were all made by mud and Almighty flew life line that’s O2 in to us, we are useless we come with out anything and go also in the same way. But when we see back we have done nothing in our lives we might have not even thought many a times about our loved one’s but at times our ego and prestige speaks more than anything.
I was listening to a song in Telugu it says your friendship I have lost and so on and so forth, why not we look at any aspect with some percentage of positive view. When some one breaks up in relationships they go and end up in depressions and stuff why is it so we have life still with out that person also. We might just need a control at that time but nothing more than that; we need to tell ourselves that life is not end there. GOD knows our needs more than anyone he will give everything at right time lets wait more...
I keep telling few friends who cried telling their personal things that one day the person might come back do not loose hopes on yourselves live life bold. I also agree that it is not so easy to do things rather to say. No one can understand at times in which phase we are and how bad is our condition but remember we are always under the vigilance of Almighty who is seeing every minute of ours and he will come to our rescue all the time.
Let us give our lives to him and let him rule us so that we never need to face any difficulties instead of trying out things.. GOD here is your daughter / sons accept them and be with them and guide them in life … Give them your wisdom to understand things in better way …..We praise and give you all the glory for being with us all through till this minute.
Friday, May 12, 2006

Some times it becomes so hard to realize that u are all alone. I make this point very clear many a times in my stay here to my family and friends . I used to think one can lead happy life all alone. I used to make my statements also that why should I slog for a person and his family after marriage.
Now I know the importance of marriage it is simply impossible to think that u need to lead life alone all alone. I have discussed this issue with so many people, but GOD made me realize that I need a person in my life. I too want to be in a company of a man in my entire life. It is so nice to feel some one is there besides me.
I was going mad here in this land standing alone, I act like stupid many a times I have a friend I used to trouble that person so much, he is so nice, he understood my need but he never avoided me seeing my stupidity, I can not thank him in anyways, as there is no way I can give him back. I can only tell u all that when we experience things then only we know but people are matured enough they have their own job to do other things than just listening to our stuff . I was really amazed seeing him the way he understood me and my each step why am I doing so.
Normally guys think a lot when specially girl says something they see either they are being used or something but I just thank GOD for giving me such a wonderful friend who could understand me so well. Friends are more lovely believe me they were the support for me , if I stayed here for these many days it is only because of friends and college seniors but not because of anything and GOD 's will was there in first place ...
I love u all for what ever little contribution u had for making me happy and making me feel that I am in companionship but I am not alone............. Do continue to pray for me
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Love to share with you all the week end enjoyment I had , even though i delayed posting this . Never it is late to tell that I had fun in dhaka . On Thursday night had a great time in chaitra's house, had tamato bath hmmmmm yummy it was hot hot tamato bath was really tasty. Watched telugu movie too then standing outside in the balcony with the nice breeze touching me was all the more precious . The morning morning tring tring first my colleagues mobile alarm rang then mine i take 15 -20 min to get up from the time it rings ...
Then surprising when i woke up still two ladies on bed , we were three girls in her house including she we three are colleagues too . She got up after 10 min then went in to kitchen had prepared softer idle and spicy sambar and chutney. Even though I did not had it was great to see things on dinning table , I and to rush to ATM as there was no pie left with me , they both came after finishing their one more great break fast . I came home by the time I came they also managed reaching my home. we all walked to the cricket ground to my surprise match was not yet started as usual scheduled time was 9:00AM Dhaka time by the time it stared it was 10:00AM.
Cricket match this is something which gave a hope that I can really enjoy life standing on green grace too till 2:00PM was real fun in capturing every moment. Was all fun I was exhausted but was worth watching all start bats man and my people while fielding so bad Mr.Robert missed three catched beautiful once as he was exited before it came to him he missed it . Mr. Mahaboob (secretary to my Director operations) did really well had caught two balls so well . My boss there are no words to explain how he started as the starting bats man we gave him a different name Dr.Dhoni , he enjoyed it well we all had fun even thought we lost the toss we won the match against ISD (international school of dhaka ) people . Their score was 145/all out . Ours was 195/9 was too good.. Then came home saw irritating kitchen as my new roomies totally messed up the kitchen.
I was serious then one lady came and she cleaned all the utensils, then I cooked something ate by the time i wanted to sleep it was 7:00PM no electricity Shatrujeet had invited us for dinner . He is very caring sent us vehicle and went there watched RANG DE BASANTI movie worth watching it then Namratha prepared all possible dishes wow yummy again should be blessed to have such dinner . we all had good time in having dinner together chicken curry was good then had to come back but by the time I came it was 12:00AM then had to prepare idle for Shatrujeet so that preparation went on till 1:30AM went to sleep was so tired . But had fun.
Thanks to each and everyone who made this possible for me...
Friday, April 28, 2006

I started liking cooking. I know that’s an art and experience makes man perfect. Yesterday was a day where I got up at 9:00Am from my bed and slept in front of TV till 12:00PM and all of a sudden my stomach started giving alarm. Went in to kitchen my roomy was preparing idly for her, I saw here and there and suddenly potato recipe stuck me which one of my Tamilian friend had taught me then called her also to have lunch with me but went out to get veggies and by 3:00PM all set to eat . I did not know what went in to my little brain , I saw that Tamil girl preparing one day pappu vada I also kept things ready before going out only . After lunch that girl (Tamilian) went upstairs I was in front of TV as I had slept more than needed with all Body pains I was ready to cook VADA it sadly turned out to be DIET VADA . No worries second time I can prepare well . Was crispy and in good shapes but mirchy less salt less (precautionary good to eat less salt and less mirchy na ) Then comes later part dinner my Tamilian friend kept dosa maav ready but I asked her teach me and I will prepare so she taught me I prepared DOSA wow .. Can not imagine and we both had DOSA .. Today one more dish Idly tonight lovely I will become perfect south Indian cook by end of the session.. Lets hope for the best..
It is good to prepare instead of eating all the time... Do experiment u might fail once but iam sure that failure will make us strong ....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

We want so many things in life, we presume things to happen for us some one kneels down and pray some one believes in hard work some one goes to priest and asks him to pray for us... People have their own ways of looking with hope.
We must have met so many good people while leaving them we must have had bitterness too no doubt I am sure we all have forgot after couple of hours and that’s how life runs we are busy with our own day to day activities . Nothing will stop for us we have to run with the time and destiny takes us to the end.
I was just analyzing on the day my friend had left when she was there i did not knew how important she was when she is not there today i feel i miss her a lot . I do not know why all these happen with me only. I am sure not only me anyone if u ask they might have had such incidences to share with. Life is all controlled my our precious lord believe in him trust him he will lead our lives smooth.. Have a blessed week ahead...
Saturday, April 22, 2006

I never realized that I am the strongest , my tears did not fall something is meant other wise i can not act this way somwehere something went wrong . I normally cry a lot in many instances but surprising today I am totally different , my friend had left me she is there with me for the past 4 years . She is very elderly personality very caring , very curious , with very less patience , very emotional , very much positive about life, very forth coming in many things , very loving last but not the least she was everything for me once......
The whole week went on with parties one day Italian one day Mexican one day Indian last day Chinese . Was good enjoyed but all the more last night discussion and irritating her was too good . Her flight was at 8:10AM but had to report 2 hours before as it is so called international , she knocked my door tuck tuck tuck tuck at 5:19AM i had out my alarm at 5:50AM poor thing by then i was dumped in a car with her luggage . Came back i did not feel much difference but walking alone to office was bit different as now a days i always used to come with her ...
Hope and pray she reaches home safe with all the luggage as though there is nothing left in this green land .... HERE I HAVE PUT HER PHOTOGRAPH SHE IS THE ONE I WAS TALKING ABOUT...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Life is short as I emphasized in many of my blogs, life is really so short. I saw a case today 9 years old kido having congenital heart disease and was on penicillin for the past 5 years. He was to get operated for the disease he has. Poor chap he must have never ever thought today would be last breath for him....
Sadly he left us all at 1:25PM. Saw poor father crying so bitterly, he must have had so many dreams on his kido. He was broken so badly he came to meet my boss. He was crying so badly. I can not explain but his son is no more ... Imagine life has become so hard for him loss of son...
Tomorrow there is investigation team meeting in board room to discuss the case lets see, kept the fingers crossed, may his soul rest in peace...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It was a critical case according to my colleague. He is an old man who has memory loss and many more complications. There was a problem in radiology department as she is responsible for the department she was there suddenly she got a call of CT technician that patient who is undergoing diagnosis got attack (he is also a stroke patient it seems).
The whole issue she explained me first of all the CT angiography needs an Anaesthetist technician and a radiologist finally to analyze, CT nurse is permanent there. She asked coordinator to send an Anaesthetist as this was a cold case and it is IP case too. This patient was under orthopeadician. He was shifted to CT machine to take up CT cerebral angioplasty, as he was lying my colleague went to see him before the procedure as she was there in the department with an issue. It seems he asked her, where were u all these days not seen now a days? U are looking good in this dress he said.
After sometime an Anaesthesia registrar came grumbling to the CT angioplasty room to give local Anaesthesia to the case. He saw the case and read the reports I mean case sheet and others , later he contacted primary treating consultant and then Anaesthesia coordinator also . He started giving anesthesia, then after that contrast was given the CT cerebral angioplasty procedure started. He (anesthesia registrar) denied to come out of CT room knowing the fact that the rays are bad normal body should not get exposed . To prevent this, they will be given lead aprons . He did not wear anything but he stood inside only. To every one's shocking monitor was black after 10 min.
Patient had cardiac arrest, central announcing system is not working yet courtesy which ever department did not develop that. Crash cart and other things were there in place. My colleague suddenly called emergency coordinator he is just next to radiology department he came running with his team and resuscitated the patient. Mean while she called cardiologist also he also came and saw the patient .But what can the poor well educated guys (patient's sons) can do patient is fully paralyzed now. He is in surgical ICU now 24 hours of observation. Can not really fill the incident report also on anyone. Patient when he was taken to emergency for stabilizing, my colleague met the whole team and said few sweet words but she says I doubt one person but can not say anything as the patient is alive but fully paralyzed.
Big burden for the family to see a person who can not do anything but he is on bed alive , he might get recover with the physiotherapy support but chances are very less according to doctors . Damage has been done no one can rewind anything, guilt is always there. My colleague today morning says I could not sleep properly I dreamt about old man , she wanted to see him in SICU today morning hope he will be fine and goes back home after fully recovering . ‘N’ number of complicated cases come now a days, people working there need to be strong enough this is the message for my colleague , we can not really say who's fault it is but it is done ....
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. His salary was really good and so were the working conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.
His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to fell the trees.
The first day, the woodcutter brought 15 trees.
"Congratulations," the boss said. "Carry on with your work!"
Highly motivated by the words of his boss, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he only could bring 10 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he was only able to bring 7 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.
"I must be losing my strength", the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could notunderstand what was going on.
"When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked.
"Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees..."
Most of us NEVER update our skills. We think that whatever we have learned is very much enough. But good is not goodwhen better is expected. Sharpening our skills from time to time is the key to success
After seeing this one should realise that knowledge is vast and it is like ocean no one is master in all the subjects ... have a great professional life .
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Depending on what state of being we are, we attract situations. We have to focus on heightening our state of being rather than changing situations in life. If our state of being is low, then the external situation, even though sacred, will be pulled down to our level of being. For example, a poor man in a palace will make the palace into a gutter.
A Man, while walking in the desert saw a group of people riding horses. He thought they were robbers and started running. They turned out to be travelers. Seeing the Man started running, the travelers thought he was in trouble-so they started going towards him. Now the Man was convinced they were after him and he ran into a graveyard – the travelers followed him there. The tired Man lay down on one of the coffins. Then he realized they were not robbers but travelers. They asked him: "Why are you here?" "I m here because of you and you are here because of me" answered the Man. "This is the law of karma". In other words, we attract situations in life. So don't look at people in the same way with same intentions formed by one incidence.
We often find ourselves in such situations aligned to our state of being. If our consciousness is not committed to transformation, then we will not grow wiser from situations, but complain and grumble, expecting the situation to be different. According to yogic shastras, there are different levels of being - seven chakras or centers. Some operate from the lowest center and such people attract similar situations. Nature context is that humans evolve from lower to higher centers. This happens when you learn and grow. If one does not do that then the situation goes on repeating itself until we learn and grow.
How can we change one state of being? There are two types of growth: horizontal and vertical growth. Horizontal growth means more money, name and fame. People's yardstick of growth is more in the horizontal domain. People come and tell me, "I have grown" - which means five years back I earned 1 million a year and now I earn 10 million a year. This type of growth is not fulfilling. The second type of growth is vertical growth. The yardstick for this is: Five years back how calm was I, and how calm am i now? The growth is measured in its depth and not in its width. The more one grows in love, kindness and compassion, the more one is truly growing. Such a growth is fulfilling. Growth happening in the vertical dimension changes one's state of being. Today most of the young girls or woman are just looking at the horizontal growth, that’s the reason many fail to live happily despite of all the essential factors needed for this materialistic world.
Once a king sought to resolve a dispute between two of his ministers who wanted to marry the same woman. He told both of them to walk on a rope and whoever did so successfully, would win the hand of the woman. One minister spent a sleepless night worrying how he would be able to walk the tightrope. The other minister was very relaxed - he felt there was no point in getting agitated when death was imminent anyway. The minister who kept his cool emerged the winner, walking effortlessly on the rope. Asked to share his secret, he only said, "I don’t know". To walk on the rope without losing one's balance involves being relaxed, balanced and being in the present. The same qualities are vital for the success of a marriage, too. In order to grow vertically, one has to cultivate the art of relaxation, be balanced, and stay aware in the present. Life is fulfilling only with such a type of growth. Happiness and joy flower forth in this state of consciousness.
Monday, March 20, 2006

I got a call last night saying today is my cute friends birthday she is very small kido. Very sweet she is so nice. She comes from a city for IT hub one day madam will become a great person there. She is in 5th standard now. Very sweet she came to chat once with me. She has all good things. She loves chocolates the most, like me. She has one best friend, like me. I have never seen her nor met but she became an important person to me. She is very chaalooo. Lets all say a word of prayer for her future.
Today her uncle will bring her chocolate cake and she will cut it, sad thing I am not there with her. She must be wearing a new top today. But one good thing I had sent her chocolates I am very happy for that, I did not knew that it was her birthday but I have sent her. Wow I thank GOD and specially Dr. Conway for giving those things to her safely.
My sweet heart my heartiest wishes to you and all my prayers are with you for your brightest future...
Love you so much
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I feel many a times i am very possesive about many things . I donot know why but feel that's mine no one should touch mine . It is mine , he/she

There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to speak..."I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging thisbird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there, son?" "Just some old birds," came the reply."What are you gonna do with them?" I asked. "Take 'him home and have fun with 'then," he answered. "I'm gonna tease 'them and pull out their feathers to make 'them fight. I'm gonna have a realgood time." "But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do?" "Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy. "They like birds. I'lltake 'em to them."The pastor was silent for a moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?""Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're justplain old field birds. They don't sing.. They ain't even pretty!""How much?" the pastor asked again.The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?"The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone.The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end ofthe alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free. Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden! n of Eden n, and he was gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, usedbait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'them all!""What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked. Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how tomarry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!" "And what will you do when you get done with them?" Jesus asked."Oh, I'll kill 'them," Satan glared proudly. "How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked "Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!" "How much?" He asked again. Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears and yourlife." Jesus said, "DONE!" Then He paid the price.
The pastor picked up the cage he opened the door and he walked fromthe pulpit.
Notes: Isn't it funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
We are busy with worldly pleasures we have got and we forget many a times why GOD has shed his blood for us . A simple needle prick to our body or our love one's gets tears and pain to us . He gave everything for us ... We got to love him more than anything ...
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Have any one experienced or seen anyone taking blame on them, we want to prove that we are not wrong we are perfect . Many instances I faced i give all silly reasons to boss but was never ready to take blame on me. Finally when I leave his chamber and come back , i sit back and think it sounds really funny for me only.
Here I will explain how silly it was. One day I had to make a presentation for boss and I had put paternal leave instead of maternal that also I blindly typed from the paper print which I got from Human resource department, knowing the fact how they work (that’s entirely different). Here I am wrong but boss made a joke there. My husband will get leave when I deliver the baby I said yes because can not talk anything there. But before saying yes to him I told I got it from HRD and typed the same. Here iam funny right ( ha ha ha ha ha ha )
Ego all that stops us may a times. Many factors work indirectly or directly which stop us from taking the blame in professional and personal life. It is very easy for any one to say or write in balck and white, take the blame on your self which will give you an opportunity to learn. Many a times it is not correct. We got to use brain and act......
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I have never seen anyone who has loads of trust on a stranger. He is one more person who finds a special place for what ever little he has done for me. Very formal makes everything formal. Very loving and caring what else.. One can write pages about his trust in friendship.
One more name for perfection in many things .I address him as TAR...strange na he is software guy. Was really wondering for the first time when i met him. With out seeing some one I am trusting ... Leaving that part he is nice chap.Many a times i thought stranger is a stranger , but in this case this person proved me wrong by making things different and making me understand him better and giving space for me to understand him. So nice waits and talk so much share happiness and many thing which makes me also trust... Giving his precious time is one more positive thing about him....
So many positive things right. Hope there is God’s purpose in this .......
Friday, February 10, 2006
Was a big gathering about 400-450 people in one auditorium great to be with Indians specially when you are out side India...Ask me how the feeling will be after meeting someone from India not only me for that matter anyone who is away from mother land .
The most important thing security check while entering after that phase there is only one way in to auditorium that was blocked with people to tell you what they were doing busy in greeting hugs and kisses ...Good but not by blocking the way right first comment was we Indians where ever we are not bothered about others ..(Comment to Indian community)
We settled in comfortable chair then a smart girl MC for the evening I am so and so i will be doing this for this evening.. Then comes the actual things first few were too good. A small kido sitting behind us was too good he was so irritated he was passing comments (eh takla phirse agaya ) . He was passing comments in Hindi about 5 years old must be he is too good he was saying (admi agaye)What a great thing now kids can do many things wow i was enjoying listening to his comments wow great it was.
When a song from Bunti aur Bubli came (guess what it was) wow sung so well . It was Kajrare whole auditorium was with claps and steps great it was to enjoy and after that we had dinner followed by that dinner too many lines but some how got food had and walked all the way with a small discussion which became a great deal of quarrel not with me with someone else anyways that is part of life ... But basically to tell you the truth it was great thing to be with Indians and enjoy "Bath Room Singers" songs.......
thanks to Indian Embassy for arraigning all those for Indians who are here ...
Saturday, February 04, 2006

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him.

They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.As the farmer's neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

MORAL :Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less Chaala bagundi kadaa story…. (telugu: meaning is it is very good na )
Friday, February 03, 2006
Failure is a part of the human experience. If failure is seen as a challenge, you will find that it is truly a step on the road to success and personal growth.
"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"To fail it is not unworthy; since it implies that one had attempted something.
Roger bannister . a medical student was expected to win the gold medal in the year 1952 helsinki Olympics . He did not but it spurred him to try to run a mile in less than fourty minutes. And he broke the four minutes barrier, two years after his failure at the Olympics. Bennister had said that if he had won the Olympic gold medal he may not have pursued the attempt to break the barrier.
Have any one of us become miserable because we made a mistake? We might not find a right answer at this particular time or answered wrongly? Do not worry. It can happen to the so called best and successful person n earth.
No body is infallible; nobody is right all the time. You have a right to make mistakes. The only person who never makes a mistake is the man who does nothing. But one must learn from the mistakes, we must profit from the mistakes. It is learning experience. This blog is aimed at suggesting all of us to reduce the mistakes and not to think a mistake is a failure...
Never if we do not do any mistakes we can not learn anything keep this in mind and be a successful person.
Monday, January 30, 2006

In life we conclude things so fast, just with one incidence many a times why is left as a big? (Question mark). Drawing conclusions out of a thing is analytically correct if we go by analysis one needs conclusion. In many presentations and speeches people conclude even when preacher finishes his/her words of meditation they conclude that’s a different thing, i feel it is their opinion what they are sharing with the entire world for its benefit.
We meet many situations where we were forced to conclude things. The thinking process makes us many a times conclude things. I used to take those conclusions as lesions for the life, but never felt that people around me are also taking the same. When I saw many people conclude and take it so serious sometimes it influences major decisions of life.(might be i would say the set of people i have met are like that )
We try to think many times negative that is ok one needs to take situations both the ways (negative as well as positive) this is a kind of preparation for worse come worse situations to face it boldly if we just hope and just think positive many a times it might not work out finally get disappointed . In relationships especially I feel one should not expect things from others when there is chance for this (Expectations)then whole thing ruins.
Let us leave everything to GOD which we never do that but i feel we should do that, fully give him control on our lives so that let him judge us let him give us what he wants but never forget to do our karma and hard work with out that nothing happens .
I do not want to conclude.You(who is reading this ) have to decide whether conclusions or good or bad????????
If you think and come to conclusions if you feel conclusions are good .
Other wise....................... (Incomplete) THINK BIG
Friday, January 27, 2006
10 months did not even realize how early morning will be except on nov17 2005 had to fly back so got up early and one more day I was on phone outside morning morning saw the sunrise it was in the month of June I guess.
Today I saw sunrise in Dhaka wow it was too good .Morning walks helps us in many ways some does asana some do exercise but, the fact is that lazy butt has to be moved from the cozy bed for it. It was good to go for a morning walk. To my surprise there were ladies in burkas walking. Could not see their faces but many in number i really don’t understand how they are coming out in the morning morning. But nice experience morning morning to just to walk freely which makes the day so good I feel.
It was a straight road never been to such place and was really worried for the first time but after seeing burka ladies thought it is ok. the morning breeze was too good foggy road and no cars in the morning morning except those stupid rickshaws while coming back things were too good felt really happy after seeing sun rise just stood to stare at even though my colleague was telling see in India also sun rise is the same but rises little late (dhaka time is half an hour ahead form Indian time)
Hope this morning exercise will help my body free from all aches and my mind free from all worries hope so, hoping for the best.
Friday, January 20, 2006
We make promises in many situations some we use as a weapon to make the other person understand and trust us. But our almighty told us not to promise according to scriptures he says the same when you did not make the earth heaven you can not promise on that because you are not the owner of it.
I had two people two are from two different places one says he will never promise at all when I ask many situations I asked him to promise he said NO .But the other person promised me (like me) but he tried to keep up his promise many a times at one instance he could not. But I am confused once the second person had cancelled his employee get to gethers and friends party just to keep up his promise.
If I have to judge these two what should I say the first person is escaping or he is correct I always said in many situations not to be judgmental have one thing to say that both are correct in their own way.
I will not judge bow anyone but one thing to assess myself what i have done and a hint to all who had such situations try to avoid situations where you will land in saying NO to people we all should know how to say NO (I mean in a polished way). When we give a word we all need to be careful to make sure we keep up that there could be situations where we come across such circumstances where we can not keep up because of many reasons those should be rare but normally try to keep up our word. Which many a times acts as standard base for assessing one's personality, which is wrong but we all do it.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
In a day as usual we do many things before going to bed, life is all about how we live
I normally share things with my friends as usual one day I started sharing my idea about how now metro are going and how we are leading life and wage topic it was. Finally I told my friend about a place which I do not like for many reasons.
Unfortunately or fortunately that’s the place where he is right now working (It is not his native place but he is currently situated there). I said one day that I do not like that place, not bad every one has their own way to express their opinion about place.
I supported that by saying why I hate that place. He denied it saying that’s not the problem of place but problem lies with the media and other things which tries exploring things...
Ok one clue it is one of metro's in India IT HUB. You must have got by now. Where cost of living is very high compared to all metro (this is second clue).
He is one very health cautious (which is not true) he takes lunch and dinner properly very often. If he takes it might be because of his friends’ lives on junk food all the time like me. He is studious like me (we will put a small prayer for his exams which are coming up). He is so nice who never tries to hurt anyone he hates doing that. He tries helping everyone which ever way it is possible for him. He likes going on long drives (alone). He has one more hobby photography. Nice to know this person na ...
As I explained about my friend I am sure you all must be having many more friends and many more debates also we now has only one debate hope that continues to be only one ......
I feel we all have freedom to have our own choice to like or dislike anything anywhere. It is needless that it should match with your own people's likes. It could be a friend if it is friend it is always good that we know each other so well where that person will understand us why we have that in mind and it varies if it is family it is all the more easy because they know you much better than anyone . We are all individuals so we have likes also which has their own base.